Kappa Alpha Psi and NOBLE are committed to achieving nationwide justice and equality in law enforcement practice and procedures, while establishing and continuing the important conversation of race and social justice in policing. A component of the Lean 2 Live Initiative will call for a national partnership and relationship with police departments throughout the county who will stand in unison and accept (in writing) our program five-point pledge for accountability. The five points are explained below.
A. Zero-Tolerance Policy
The first point calls for a zero-tolerance policy on biased policing. Bias-based policing refers to the collection of practices that systematically and intentionally incorporate prejudiced judgments based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, religious beliefs or age. This includes racial profiling.
B. Police Training
A commitment to ongoing and regular police training is a necessary practice for police departments committed to ensuring fair and equitable practices in law enforcement. Training aligns organizational police goals with individual and team performance, eliminating the gaps between current position and desired direction. Kappa Alpha Psi and NOBLE seek departmental commitment to yearly and consistent cultural diversity and sensitivity training as well as unbiased police training for all department personnel.
C. Workforce Diversity
The third pledge point calls for a concentrated departmental effort to recruit officers of statistically underrepresented cultural groups in order to present a department representative and reflective of a diverse 21st century population.
D. Community Engagement & Empathy
Kappa Alpha Psi and NOBLE call for a commitment to consistent outreach and constructive conversations and interaction by law enforcement agencies with members and leaders of the African-African American community through events and activities. These steps are important to break down social and cultural barriers to cultivate ideal interactions between police and cultural communities.
E. Youth Initiatives
The final pledge point calls for active police involvement in youth initiatives. This pledge point not only provides a benefit to community youth, but also exposes law enforcement personnel to the persons that they police, providing a familiarity and building a comfortable working relationship to decrease tensions and foster growth and “bridge building” opportunities.